Canadian Toad Anaxyrus hemiophrys

Description: 2 - 3½ inches. Canadian Toads vary in color from brown to gray, and may have a slight olive or reddish tint. The belly is a pale color with fine black spots or speckles. The back has dark spots that usually contains one or two warts each. The cranial ridge of mature Canadian Toads fuse to form a large bump, called a boss, between the eyes.

Similar Species: Canadian Toads may be mistaken for Americans toads in eastern North Dakota.

Status: Level I - Species of Conservation Priority (learn more)

Comments: Restricted to eastern North Dakota.

Distribution Map
Distribution of the Canadian Toad (Anaxyrus hemiophrys)

County level distribution of this species in North Dakota. Map generated from data collected from voucher specimens and photographic records.

Phenology of Canadian Toad (Anaxyrus hemiophrys)